Terms and Conditions
Advance registration is required for all offerings unless otherwise noted.
Alternative forms of payment include: Cash or Check
Checks may be mailed to:
The JoY of Yoga or Christina Willingham
257 Kennedy Street Ext.
Chambersburg, PA 17202
If an in-person class is canceled due to inclement weather, etc. The class will be offered via Live Zoom.
24 HOURS notice required when canceling private sessions
24 HOURS notice required when canceling private sessions
48 HOURS notice required when cancelling workshops or special events (unless otherwise noted)
If you're unable to attend a regular class for which you have registered you may:
attend another regular class in the seasonal series for which you are registered or
request a class from the online library.
No refunds or class credits available for missed classes.
In the event that you arrive late, please enter the practice space quietly.
If you're feeling under the weather, please stay home and take care of yourself.